Framework for assessing the wider economic benefits of the reuse of land
686.29 KB
An overview of the vacant and derelict land taskforce recommendations
489.74 KB
Inspiring examples of how vacant and derelict land can be transformed and the benefits it can bring
955.67 KB
A survey tool to measure the impact of vacant and derelict land on the community
512.34 KB
Vacant and Derelict Land Taskforce Recommendations
1.59 MB
There is a wide variety of funding options available to communities and local authorities to help bring the land back into use and benefit those living around vacant and derelict sites. This table provides a brief description of different funding sources available, highlighting the main limitations of each and indicating what type of activity the funding is most suitable for.
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2.50 MB
Ryden was appointed by the Scottish Land Commission (SLC) to report on progress with the reuse of Scotland’s vacant & derelict land (VDL). Building upon the reduction of VDL as a policy priority, SLC and SEPA’s VDL Taskforce were established in 2018, Ryden reported in detail on Scotland’s VDL in 2019, and the Taskforce’s recommendations were published in 2020.
2.97 MB
TFC Guide to Relinquishment and Assignation
1.42 MB
TFC Diversification Guide
535.48 KB
4.30 MB
Produced by the Scottish Land Commission, in conjunction with partner organisations: SAC, NFUS, James Hutton Institute
1.77 MB
This guide summarises the main features of the legislation and the implications for landlords and tenants of agricultural holdings.
133.33 KB
This guide summarises the essential features of the legislation relating to Modern Limited Duration Tenancy’s (MLDT’s) and every care has been taken to ensure that it accurately reflects the main features of the current legislation. Users of the guide are advised, however, to obtain independent legal advice relevant to their particular circumstances before acting upon any of the information contained in this guide.
213.92 KB
This guide outlines the standards expected of professional agents working for landlords and tenants of agricultural holdings. It provides information on how and where to complain about an agent who does not adhere to the relevant standards. For the purposes of this guide, agents comprise of surveyors, factors, land agents, solicitors and any other professional adviser acting for either party.
179.41 KB
This guide provides a summary of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2016 provisions relating to the relinquishment of 1991 Act tenancies.
174.92 KB
This guide outlines some of the ways in which the use of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) can be used in order to resolve disputes without going to court. It provides information on which ADR process to choose and when to seek further assistance.
197.13 KB
This guide outlines the ways in which an agricultural tenancy can be passed on to another person. It includes information on whether and how a tenancy might be assigned during a tenant’s lifetime; bequeathing a tenancy; and intestate transfer of a tenancy. Users of this guide are advised to obtain independent legal advice relevant to their particular circumstances before acting upon any of the information contained in this guide.
213.89 KB
This guide provides information for landlords and tenants who might be considering planting trees on tenanted agricultural holdings. It outlines tenants and landlords rights to planting trees and provides information on applying for permission to plant.
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LRRS Protocol on Diversification of Ownership and Tenure
709.35 KB
LRRS Protocol on Good Stewardship of Land
297.98 KB
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LRRS Protocol on Negotiating Transfer of Land to Communities
241.35 KB
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1.08 MB
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The Scottish Land Commission has proposed key changes to the Land Reform Bill, currently being considered by Parliament, so that it achieves the Scottish Government’s objectives to address the impacts of concentrated land ownership.
743.14 KB
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This leaflet provides information and case studies for tenant farmers on how the amnesty works and the procedures to be followed.
217.35 KB
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1.65 MB
Heriot Watt University was commissioned to review the UK’s historic experience of land value capture and identify what lessons current policy makers could take from this experience.
837.90 KB
Report by the Centre for Local Economic Strategies for the Scottish Land Commission
9.86 MB
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Annual Business Plan 2020-21
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1.84 MB
Aithisg Bhliadhnail agus Cunntasan 2017 gu 2018
1.82 MB
Aithisg Bhliadhnail agus Cunntasan 2018 gu 2019
1.68 MB
2.83 MB
Aithisg Bhliadhnail agus Cunntasan 2019 gu 2020
2.06 MB
1.52 MB
Aithisg Bhliadhnail agus Cunntasan 2020 gu 2021
2.11 MB
1.91 MB
Aithisg Bhliadhnail agus Cunntasan 2021 gu 2022
2.19 MB
Scottish Land Commission Annual Report & Accounts 2022-2023 - English
3.60 MB
Aithisg Bhliadhnail is Cunntasan 2022-2023
3.43 MB
Scottish Land Commission Annual Report & Accounts 2022-2023 - English
3.06 MB
Aithisg Bhliadhnail is Cunntasan 2022-2024
2.86 MB
1.93 MB
A review of the activity and progress made by the Commission from 1 April 2017–31 March 2018.
778.40 KB
A review of the activity and progress made by the Commission from 1 April 2018–31 March 2019.
332.88 KB
460.22 KB
3.02 MB
Scottish Land Commission Annual Review 2021-22
2.17 MB
131.49 KB
Community Land Scotland (CLS)'s report from the LRRS Self-Assessment Pilot Project 2020-21
1.58 MB
3.68 MB
129.28 KB
These principles set out where our Good Practice team can help and what is outside our remit.
195.08 KB
Repeopling Emptied Places by Jim Hunter
2.01 MB
A3 printable poster for land owners and managers to support good practice
514.36 KB
623.21 KB
Scotland’s Tenant Farming Commissioner (TFC), Bob McIntosh, has issued a Code of Practice for Agreeing and Managing Agricultural Leases which is to be followed by landowners, tenant farmers and land agents.
448.85 KB
This code of practice has been issued by Scotland’s Tenant Farming Commissioner (TFC) after consultation with, and with the support of, Scottish Land and Estates (SLE), the Scottish Tenant Farmers Association (STFA) and the National Farmers Union Scotland (NFUS). It is issued under the authority of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2016.
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This code of practice is intended to help provide a route for landlords and tenants to come to agreement about where the responsibility lies in maintaining agricultural holdings in good condition in order for the holding to be efficiently farmed.
1.19 MB
A series of six case studies selected to illustrate current community benefit practice on the ground. The results can be used to shape what will be considered good practice as the concept continues to develop.
7.06 MB
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The results of the Community Engagement Surveys carried out in 2022.
588.34 KB
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This report was commissioned by the Scottish Land Commission to identify, explore and consider the wider implications of relevant and emerging sources of finance that are complementary to the Scottish Land Fund (SLF).
1.35 MB
408.95 KB
These references and resources provide helpful information, guidance and advice on a range of issues relating to community wealth building and land rights and responsibilities, and to the actions set out in the Commission’s Community Wealth Building and Land guidance.
290.41 KB
Our guidance on community wealth building sets out practical actions that public bodies can take to use and manage land productively and in the public interest.
1.48 MB
This discussion paper draws together our current thinking on some of the key questions about community benefits from investment in natural capital.
1.10 MB
140.57 KB
A new Compulsory Sales Order (CSO) power could tackle the blight of abandoned buildings and parcels of vacant and derelict land in town centres and communities across Scotland.
725.86 KB
Response by the Scottish Land Commission to the Scottish Government's consultation on crofting reform
184.67 KB
Clyde Gateway is a public urban regeneration agency in Glasgow’s east end and Rutherglen, which worked on the South Dalmarnock Integrated Urban Infrastructure Framework masterplan to unlock development opportunities in an area of significant post-industrial decline and dereliction.
This publication sets out good practice guidance for a responsible approach to delivering community benefits from land.
6.36 MB
Common Good assets in Scotland have the potential to deliver much greater public benefit than they do currently, according to this research report written for the Scottish Land Commission by researchers at the Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES).
501.63 KB
Some FAQ's about the publication Delivering Social & Economic Community Benefit from Land
2.31 MB
A report looking at how community benefits are delivered from nature restoration work in the Cairngorms National Park by PhD student at the University of Edinburgh, Alys Daniels-Creasey.
372.71 KB
Farm business incubators could help bring new entrants into agriculture in Scotland.
649.67 KB
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Practical Guidance for Rural Land & Property Managers
2.54 MB
The Dumfries Neighbourhood Street Design project – led by Sustrans Scotland with Dumfries & Galloway Council and the community – transformed a once-neglected part of Dumfries town centre into a more liveable, inclusive and active travel-friendly neighbourhood through a collaborative design process.
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Populated example of an organisations Diversification Policy
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In France, there is a core distinction between forest land and ‘other’ land (i.e. rural lands, farm land, etc.) which dates back to the French Revolution. In 2001, a new ‘Forest Law’ was passed in France, which introduced the expectation of forest owners to implement multifunctional forest plans, including responsibilities for providing access and environmental protection.
The Scottish Land Commission's first Gaelic Language Plan 2022-27
513.06 KB
The first of our annual reports on our Gaelic Language Plan, covering Jan 2022-Jan 2023.
228.37 KB
Seo a' chiad aithisg mu dheidhinn am Plana Ghàidhlig 2022-2027 againn, bho Faoi. 2022 gu Faoi. 2023.
248.87 KB
The non-profit sector has a long tradition in Germany and it takes on greater significance for society, politics and economy than in many other countries. More recently, there has been growing concern about the need to change how public land is owned and administered, particularly in the current context of high demand for land and affordable housing in urban areas.
Glentress Forest is one of a number of forests in the Tweed Valley managed by Forestry and Land Scotland. It is at the forefront of their plans to ensure that important forest resources continue to be accessible to the public & offer a range of activities.
Casework Report (2020 - (2023)
1.59 MB
An evaluation of the Good Practice Programme carried out in 2022.
736.29 KB
228.09 KB
Good Practice Guidance on Sharing Information about Land Ownership and Management
1.24 MB
2.17 MB
The James Hutton Institute was commissioned to investigate new models and structures to increase the availability of land for new entrants; provide practical guidance on existing joint venture models; identify barriers to succession and retirement; and develop a baseline for measuring success.
1.10 MB
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The Scottish Land Commission's response to Scottish Government's 2022 review of the Land Rights and Responsibilities Statement.
497.84 KB
The overview report from the LRRS Self-Assessment Pilot Programme 2020-21
800.56 KB
The report on the outputs, learning and evaluation from the LRRS Self-Assessment Pilot Programme Report 2020-21
1.98 MB
The Scottish Land Commission sees significant potential for exploring how opportunities to access land for small scale ownership, management and use could be created.
1.76 MB
Scotland’s Common Good Funds are worth hundreds of millions of pounds. The Scottish Government has asked the Land Commission to look at how greater benefit could be delivered for communities through the Common Good.
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This briefing paper looks at land value capture, what it is and the Land Commission’s work.
134.57 KB
88.11 KB
This Land Focus paper explores the Commission's review of land for housing, which proposes five recommendations suggesting a new model where the public sector takes a leading role in the housing land market to create places people want to live at prices they can afford.
659.70 KB
In this Land Focus paper, we set out some of the key issues the Scottish Land Commission identifies in relation to natural capital, land, and a just transition.
586.87 KB
This discussion paper explores our latest commissioned research to better understand the case for improved transparency of option agreements and inform the delivery of NPF4.
135.31 KB
A discussion paper by Scottish Land Commission and Dark Matter Labs
4.88 MB
The seventh in our series of Land Lines discussion papers, by James Mure QC, looks at the current legal context of human rights law in Scotland and its implications for any new proposals addressing land ownership.
275.91 KB
Housing built integral to the croft as a landlord’s improvement to it, on land under crofting tenure.
2.15 MB
In this Land Lines discussion paper, Dr Jill Robbie and Dr Giedre Jokubauskaite explore the issues surrounding carbon markets, public interest and landownership in Scotland.
454.82 KB
This, the fourth paper in the Land Lines series, looks at ways to encourage agricultural land letting in Scotland with a particular focus on potential changes to taxation.
247.67 KB
In this, the fifth paper in the Land Lines series, Dr Kirsteen Shields looks at the opportunities provided by land reform for further realisation of economic, social and cultural human rights.
223.88 KB
This, the sixth paper in the Land Lines series, Professor Tony Crook looks at examples of land acquisition in the Netherlands and Germany and the lessons that Scotland could learn.
274.34 KB
In this paper, the third in the Land Lines series, Peter Peacock looks at the scale of concentration of ownership of land in Scotland.
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In this Land Lines discussion paper, Prof Dieter Helm looks at natural capital, carbon offsetting and land use in Scotland.
288.41 KB
This, the second paper in the Land Lines series, Steven Tolson and Archie Rintoul look at the approaches adopted to achieve public interest led development in Scotland.
276.46 KB
The housing land market in Scotland: A discussion paper
744.75 KB
The Scottish Land Commission has published its response to the Scottish Government's Land Reform Bill consultation.
250.20 KB
This report sets out our advice on the role of taxation in supporting current land reform objectives. It aims to assist Ministers in considering the role of taxation in relation to land.
2.00 MB
1.49 MB
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1.18 MB
The Commission's review of land for housing proposes five recommendations suggesting a new model where the public sector takes a leading role in the housing land market to create places people want to live at prices they can afford.
3.97 MB
This research report focuses specifically on the role of land in, and to make practical recommendations for, increasing the supply of new homes (of all tenures) across rural Scotland.
5.58 MB
The Land supply for rural housing proposal draws on findings from new research, commissioned by the Scottish Land Commission and conducted by the University of Glasgow, which reviewed practical steps to create a long-term land supply for rural housing in Scotland.
3.29 MB
134.98 KB
563.13 KB
This report discusses some of the lessons learned about mediation in the tenant farming sector through the trial of four pilot mediations supported by the Scottish Land Commission.
331.69 KB
Mexico has a long history of development of policies with regards to land tenure. One example is ejidos, now effectively a form of social and private property that contain a mix of individually parcelled land (made possible by the 1992 reform) and some land which is held and used communally.
Mock mediation information and sign up form
567.99 KB
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142.37 KB
1.61 MB
National Farmers Union Scotland (NFUS)'s report from the LRRS Self-Assessment Pilot Project 2020-21
812.65 KB
Guidance Note on the potential use of professional mediation as a tool to help local authorities and National Park Authorities, Local Access Forums (LAFs), land owners/managers and access takers.
803.22 KB
103.11 KB
1.00 MB
52.55 KB
1.46 MB
Natural Capital and Land: Recommendations for a Just Transition - Summary of advice to Ministers
82.84 KB
Case studies compiled by The Centre for Local Economic Strategies: Eleanor Radcliffe, Sean Benstead, Charlie Murphy, Joseph Tupling, Naomi Mason
3.71 MB
147.90 KB
Am Plana Gaidhlig Coimisean Fearainn na h-Alba 2022-27
444.36 KB
2.95 MB
Summary of Analysis of mechanisms and governance approaches to securing public value from natural resources report by the Centre for Local Economic Strategies
6.81 MB
Programme of Work - Updated June 2019
1.29 MB
Annex 1 to the Strategic Plan 2020-23
70.72 KB
Programme of Work - Updated April 2022
330.47 KB
Annex 1 to the Strategic Plan 2023-26
1.06 MB
Annex 1 to Strategic Plan 2023-26 - Gaelic Version
1.06 MB
313.00 KB
The Scottish Land Commission has reviewed the draft Land Rights and Responsibilities Statement with regard to the likely impact and effectiveness of the draft statement and offered recommendations to Scottish Ministers.
193.29 KB
The Scottish Land Commission has reviewed the likely impact and effectiveness of proposals contained in the consultation in relation to what we understand to be their intended outcomes, and have offered recommendations to Scottish Ministers.
150.60 KB
The Scottish Land Commission has reviewed the likely impact and effectiveness of the guidance on engaging communities in decisions relating to land as contained in the consultation in relation to what we understand to be its intended outcomes, and has offered recommendations to Scottish Ministers.
184.37 KB
This publication from the TFC discusses the steps that would need to be taken to make it easier for current tenants to plant trees.
216.21 KB
184.34 KB
157.41 KB
Assessment of the progress made since 2018 relating to the outcomes from the Scottish Land Commission review of Agents.
269.62 KB
This research report looks at international approaches to limiting scale and concentration of land ownership.
1.07 MB
2.56 MB
This protocol sets out practical expectations for new and existing landowners, managers and investors to ensure that their approach to natural capital and carbon management recognises their responsibilities, as well as their rights, in relation to land and contributes to a just transition.
263.00 KB
Case studies demonstrating how vacant and derelict land can successfully be reused
3.25 MB
422.72 KB
A report to the Scottish Land Commission
3.39 MB
An updated Review of Funding Sources for the Re-Use of Vacant and Derelict Land carried out by Ryden - published in March 2022.
1.64 MB
1.19 MB
1.04 MB
424.94 KB
2.02 MB
An analysis of farm, forestry and estate land transactions in Scotland in 2024.
6.73 MB
An overview of the rural land market in Scotland in 2023 exploring the main drivers in the market.
2.35 MB
Analysis of land sales data 2020-2022
9.46 MB
An overview of the rural land market in Scotland in 2022 exploring the main drivers in the market.
768.75 KB
Scottish Land & Estates (SLE's) report from the LRRS Self-Assessment Pilot Project 2020-21
380.20 KB
1.23 MB
334.96 KB
This report is the result of a collaboration between Scotland’s Regeneration Forum (SURF) and the Scottish Land Commission (SLC) to consider the practical potential for realising the Scottish Government’s vision of a strong and dynamic relationship between Scotland’s land and its people. In particular, the Commission sought to engage SURF’s experience and networks to explore assets and challenges; and varied partner perspectives in the interlinked complexity of the urban context.
1.19 MB
Evidence report following an investigation into the impacts of scale and concentration of land ownership in Scotland. The report follows a call for evidence by the Commission last year, for anyone with experience of living or working in parts of Scotland where most of the land is owned by a small number of people, to share their experiences.
747.92 KB
Short summary of the Investigation into the issues associated with Large Scale and Concentrated Land Ownership in Scotland and the Recommendations to Scottish Ministers.
37.90 KB
This report sets out the Commission’s conclusions and recommendations from our review into issues associated with scale and concentration of land ownership in Scotland.
293.78 KB
A review by SRUC of previous literature and a descriptive analysis of Scotland’s current pattern of landownership.
809.18 KB
98.73 KB
Scotland's Rural Land Market Insights Report, April 2022
750.18 KB
844.49 KB
The Scottish Land Commission's response to the public consultation on Future Grant Funding for Forestry 2023.
406.88 KB
Framework Agreement
276.67 KB
A list of the web links provided in the chat box of our Virtual Public Meetings.
111.82 KB
297.74 KB
144.81 KB
Scottish Land Commission Strategic Plan 2018 - 2021
1.44 MB
Scottish Land Commission Strategic Plan 2018 - 2021 GAELIC
1.41 MB
Scottish Land Commission Strategic Plan 2020-23
3.59 MB
Scottish Land Commission Strategic Plan 2023-2026
4.16 MB
Scottish Land Commission Strategic Plan 2023-2026 - Gaelic
3.64 MB
233.70 KB
A summary of the Rural Land Markets Insights Report 2023.
2.36 MB
A summary of the Rural Land Markets Insights Report 2024.
1.00 MB
A summary of the key findings from the 2024 Review of Agents report by Research Resource.
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62.92 KB
2.41 MB
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Scotland needs a new approach to assessing the benefits of the reuse of land
1.27 MB
8.95 MB
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2.34 MB
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696.02 KB
The research aimed to help the Scottish Land Commission to understand how much or how little information is available on land optioned for housing development in Scotland.
1.05 MB
The role of land in contributing to sustainable and economic growth in Scotland
192.45 KB
Alma Economics - Understanding the Benefits of Diversification in Ownership, Tenure, and Control
413.94 KB
167.44 KB
1.49 MB
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826.29 KB
1.20 MB
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This report explores the harmful effects of vacant and derelict land (VDL) on communities and proposes an analytical framework which could be used by local authorities to assess the harmful impact of VDL sites.
848.50 KB
Summary of what is happening in Scotland's rural land market and why
177.08 KB
Young Scot and Scottish Land Commission established a partnership to explore how young people understand, perceive and have a connection with their local urban areas. This partnership used a co-design approach to explore insights from a broad range of young people about land and buildings in cities and towns.
1.98 MB