Dalmarnock: a masterplanning approach

Clyde Gateway is a public urban regeneration agency in Glasgow’s east end and Rutherglen. It began work on the South Dalmarnock Integrated Urban Infrastructure Framework in 2009, the aim of which was to develop a masterplan to unlock development opportunities in an area that has witnessed significant post-industrial decline and dereliction. Community engagement was an essential but challenging task, given the mix of land uses, community groups, land ownerships and other ongoing consultations. A four stage strategy was prepared, with a focus on good communications throughout. 

1. Networking

Contact with diverse local community groups including, showpeople, other residents, local businesses and property owners. This was involved individual face to face discussions, and meetings with the community council, community planning community reference group, the local housing association, etc.

2. Orientation and Updating

Engagement with the wider local community to ask about their place and how things could be improved. Workshops, walkabouts and youth events were held over two days, covering housing, integration of new residents, sites for showpeople, river management, remediation, public transport and communications.

3. Options Testing

Three community sessions exploring emerging development options thattackled community priorities like employment, retail and services, rail station, showpeople sites and a community/ commercial hub at Dalmarnock Cross.

4. Preview Emerging Framework

Review of the final framework with the community. The Framework acted as the platform for subsequent development. What was important was that community groups had the opportunity to shape the future of their place. The way that proposals emerged through community engagement meant that people felt that they had some ownership of how things would be developed. The Clyde Gateway team orchestrated events, informed people about technical constraints where necessary, and maintained project momentum. After the Framework was complete, a series of ongoing engagement sessions was organised on specific delivery projects which were being taken forward.

This layering of engagement throughout the development process proved to be an important aspect of keeping people informed of progress, maintaining good community relationships, building trust, and helping people to understand that their voice counts.

Find out more

Find out more about Clyde Gateway here and the South Dalmarnock Integrated Urban Infrastructure Framework here.