Deadline Looms for Tenant’s Amnesty
The clock will soon run out for those who wish to make use of the amnesty on tenant’s improvements, which closes on 12 December 2020. The Tenant Farming Commissioner is encouraging tenant farmers and landlords to agree and record improvements in advance of this deadline. If such agreement is not possible, tenants should ensure that they protect their position by issuing a formal amnesty notice before 12 December.
The amnesty was originally scheduled to close on 12 June. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Scottish Parliament passed regulations to extend the amnesty on tenant’s improvements for a further six months to 12 December 2020.
Under current Covid-19 regulations, it is still possible to meet outside on farms to agree improvements. With just under two months before the December deadline, there is no excuse to delay signing off amnesty agreements.
The Tenant Farming Commissioner, Bob McIntosh, said: “We are nearing the end of the extension period for the amnesty and I would encourage all tenants, landlords and agents to work together to ensure the process is completed before the deadline.
“I am aware that there are many discussions which are yet to be finalised and where, with goodwill on both sides, it should be possible to reach an agreement which avoids the need for the formal amnesty notice procedure to be invoked. It is in the interest of both landlord and tenant to have an accurate and agreed schedule of tenant’s improvements eligible for compensation at waygo, and the amnesty period provides the ideal opportunity to complete this task.”
For more information about the amnesty, visit or get in touch on 01463 423 300 or email