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Review of agents begins

Tenant Farming Commissioner starts work on the review of the conduct of agents of landlords and tenants

 Scotland’s Tenant Farming Commissioner, Bob McIntosh, has begun work on the review of agents. The review will look at the views and experiences of tenant farmers and landlords with regard to the conduct of professionals engaged by either party to act on their behalf in matters relating to agricultural holdings.

Under the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2016, the Tenant Farming Commissioner must complete the review and make recommendations to Ministers to improve the operation of agents of landlords and tenants by March 2018.

Bob McIntosh explains:

“This is our first substantial piece of research and it is important that a broad range of evidence is collected on the views and experiences of landlords and tenants regarding their satisfaction with the conduct of agents acting on their behalf.

“This research will help to get a true understanding of the current situation with regard to the operation of agents and the impact it has on relations in the sector. The findings from the completed report with be discussed with key representative bodies, who will be given the opportunity to make submissions to inform the review, before recommendations are made to Scottish Ministers.”

The Scottish Land Commission has issued a notice on Public Contracts Scotland asking for contractors to submit tenders to carry out this important piece of research. More information on the contract specifications can be found here: